Re: freebox possible GPL violation
From: Pierre Michon
Date: Wed Oct 05 2005 - 06:14:36 EST
>I'm sorry, I must be a bit stupid but I don't see any GPL violation
>here... Could you be a bit more specific on what kind of code, Free is
>keeping under his foot ?
Sorry I realise that my first post wasn't clear.
The fimware that is used with the freebox is a Linux system.
So in the firmware there is the GPL Linux kernel and all the GPL software
listed on [1] (busybox for example).
Users can't download nor binary firmware nor source code of GPL
The binary firmware is downloaded by the freebox when a new version is
available. This is done on an unknow server with an unknow protocol.
So free keep the Linux kernel modification they have made. You could
see some of the log of their modification on [2] and [3].
They also don't provide the source for the GPL userspace software they
include in the firmware.
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