util-linux and data encryption

From: Paulo da Silva
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 11:04:57 EST

If this is not the right place to post about
util-linux, please tell me where to post.
I'm posting here because util-linux is at kernel.org.
I had a loop filesystem encrypted with twofish

Today, trying to mount the file, 'mount' claimed
I needed to enter a password of 20 chars or more!
Since I used less chars to encrypt, I was not able
to recover the information!!!
without any success. This causes 'mount' to accept
the password, but, somehow, the decryption failled
because the fs type remained unrecognized!

BTW, I am using gentoo and I also tried USE=old-crypt.
No way!

I needed to install the version 2.12i to recover
my information.

Is this related with util-linux or has something
to do with gentoo patches or something?

This should not happen! Changing things like this
must keep some kind of compatibility with old ones.

How do I encrypt important data for the future?

Thank you for any comments.

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