Re: A possible idea for Linux: Save running programs to disk

From: Bodo Eggert
Date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 22:20:41 EST

lokum spand <lokumsspand@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I allow myself to suggest the following, although not sure if I post in
> the right group:
> Suppose Linux could save the total state of a program to disk, for
> instance, imagine a program like mozilla with many open windows. I give
> it a SIGNAL-SAVETODISK and the process memory image is dropped to a
> file. I can then turn off the computer and later continue using the
> program where I left it, by loading it back into memory.

What about the open file descriptors? If the program uses temporary files,
closing them will destroy the data in the temp files. Therefore you can't
close these fds, and this prevents you from doing a shutdown.
Use suspend-to-disk instead.
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