Re: A possible idea for Linux: Save running programs to disk

From: Michael Concannon
Date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 17:33:17 EST

Arjan van de Ven wrote:

On Sat, 2005-10-01 at 13:30 -0800, lokum spand wrote:

I allow myself to suggest the following, although not sure if I post in
the right group:

Suppose Linux could save the total state of a program to disk, for
instance, imagine a program like mozilla with many open windows. I give
it a SIGNAL-SAVETODISK and the process memory image is dropped to a
file. I can then turn off the computer and later continue using the
program where I left it, by loading it back into memory.

Would that be possible? At least a program can be given a ctrl-z and is

there is a LOT of state though.. the moment you add networking in the
picture the amount of state just isn't funny anymore. Your X example is
a good one as well...

There are a few cluster/parallel computing libraries out there that are starting to allow "process migration"...

One would assume that "saving it to a disk" is simply a degenerate case of migrating the process...

Presuming they have process migration working (and it seemed close a while ago when I last looked), saving to a file might already be supported... I'd google "process migration" and you are likely to find a lot of discussion on this topic...


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