Re: [PATCH 2/5] atomic: introduce atomic_inc_not_zero

From: Nick Piggin
Date: Wed Sep 14 2005 - 20:55:29 EST

Russell King wrote:

The whole point about architecture specific includes is not to provide
a frenzied feeding ground for folk who like to "clean code up" but to
allow architectures to do things in the most efficient way for them
without polluting the kernel too much.

It seems that aspect is being lost sight of here.

Yep. We've got atomic_add, atomic_sub, atomic_inc, atomic_dec,
atomic_inc_return, atomic_add_return, atomic_dec_return, atomic_sub_return
to start with.

Not only that, but we can probably emulate all the atomic_ operations
with atomic_cmpxchg, not just atomic_inc_not_zero.

Roman: any ideas about what you would prefer? You'll notice
atomic_inc_not_zero replaces rcuref_inc_lf, which is used several times
in the VFS.


SUSE Labs, Novell Inc.

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