Re: Problem booting 2.6.13 on RHEL 4

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Wed Sep 14 2005 - 11:22:42 EST

liyu@WAN wrote:

It seem that kernel have no time to probe your disk, and do not
read parttion table.

I use kernel 2.6.12 and SATA disk on FC3, also failed to boot.
but after some experiment, I found if we place 'sleep 5'
statement between insmod commands in linuxrc or init, it will
boot up!

However, this idea is too HACK.

It would have been nice, back in the 2.5.46 timeframe when modules were complete reinvented, to have provided a hook by which modprobe could have waited until insertion init was complete.

The sleep is a hack indeed, as is the slightly more reliable solution to tail the log and look for init messages to appear. Perhaps look for the devices in /proc/scsi/scsi or something?

There doesn't seem to be a "right way" for this, particularly if you have both warm and cold boots, which may differ by minutes depending on disk spin-up already being done.

-bill davidsen (davidsen@xxxxxxx)
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me

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