Re: HZ question

From: jdow
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 15:14:30 EST

From: "linux-os (Dick Johnson)" <linux-os@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Mark Hounschell wrote:

I need to know the kernels value of HZ in a userland app.

getconf CLK_TCK
hz = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK)

both seem to return CLOCKS_PER_SEC which is defined as USER_HZ which is
defined as 100.


#ifdef __KERNEL__
# define HZ 1000 /* Internal kernel timer frequency */
# define USER_HZ 100 /* .. some user interfaces are in "ticks" */
# define CLOCKS_PER_SEC (USER_HZ) /* like times() */

Thanks in advance for any help

You are not supposed to 'tear apart' user-mode headers. In particular
you are not supposed to use anything in /usr/include/bits, /usr/include/asm,
or /usr/include/linux in user-mode programs. These are not POSIX headers.

Therefore, HZ is not something that is defined for user-mode programs.
the ANSI spec requires that things like clock() return a value that
can be divided by CLOCKS_PER_SEC to get CPU time. Nothing in user-mode
uses HZ. That's the reason why later versions of the kernel are
able to use dynamic HZ.

That means Linux is not a suitable operating system for multimedia applications.
MIDI needs to schedule in 1 ms or smaller increments. The userland application
should be able to set this. It should be able to determine this. If it cannot
then it is useless. (It also explains why MIDI based applications are so
absolutely dreadful on Linux.)

{^_^} Joanne Dow said that.

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