2.6.13/14 x86 Makefile - Pentiums penalized ?

From: Margit Schubert-While
Date: Tue Sep 13 2005 - 01:05:07 EST

In arch/i386/makefile we have :
cflags-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUMII) += -march=i686 $(call cc-option,-mtune=pentium2)
cflags-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII) += -march=i686 $(call cc-option,-mtune=pentium3)
cflags-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUMM) += -march=i686 $(call cc-option,-mtune=pentium3)
cflags-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUM4) += -march=i686 $(call cc-option,-mtune=pentium4)

According to the gcc 3.x doc, the -mtune is not avaliable for i686
and, indeed, with 3.3.5 no -mtune is generated/used (make V=1).

This, of course, heavily penalizes P4's (the notorious inc/dec).


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