[PATCH] adjust .version updating

From: Jan Beulich
Date: Thu Sep 08 2005 - 10:07:25 EST

(Note: Patch also attached because the inline version is certain to get
line wrapped.)

In order to maintain a more correct build number, updates to the
number should only be commited after a successful link of vmlinux, not
before (so that errors in the link process don't lead to pointless

Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -Npru 2.6.13/Makefile 2.6.13-version-update/Makefile
--- 2.6.13/Makefile 2005-08-29 01:41:01.000000000 +0200
+++ 2.6.13-version-update/Makefile 2005-09-01 11:32:13.000000000
@@ -624,8 +624,13 @@ quiet_cmd_vmlinux__ ?= LD $@
# Generate new vmlinux version
quiet_cmd_vmlinux_version = GEN .version
cmd_vmlinux_version = set -e; \
- . $(srctree)/scripts/mkversion > .tmp_version; \
- mv -f .tmp_version .version; \
+ if [ ! -r .version ]; then \
+ rm -f .version; \
+ echo 1 >.version; \
+ else \
+ mv .version .old_version; \
+ expr 0$$(cat .old_version) + 1 >.version; \
+ fi; \
$(MAKE) $(build)=init

# Generate System.map
@@ -727,6 +732,7 @@ endif # ifdef CONFIG_KALLSYMS
# vmlinux image - including updated kernel symbols
vmlinux: $(vmlinux-lds) $(vmlinux-init) $(vmlinux-main) $(kallsyms.o)
$(call if_changed_rule,vmlinux__)
+ $(Q)rm -f .old_version

# The actual objects are generated when descending,
# make sure no implicit rule kicks in

Attachment: linux-2.6.13-version-update.patch
Description: Binary data