Re: kernel page size explanation

From: Robert Hancock
Date: Thu Jul 21 2005 - 19:21:54 EST

Gaspar Bakos wrote:

Sorry for this nursery-school question.

Could someone briefly explain me :
1. what is the kernel page size (any _useful_ pointer on the web is fine),
2. how can one tune it (for 2.6.*)?
3. what kind of effect does it have on system performance, if it is
tuneable, and if it worth changing this at all?

This is dependent on the hardware, not really the OS. On x86 the normally used page size is 4KB. 4MB pages are also supported but are usually used only for special purposes (ex: hugetlbfs).

As you mentioned some other architectures like Itanium support different page sizes.

Robert Hancock Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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