Re: USB mice do not work on 2.6.12-rc5-git9, -rc5-mm1, -rc5-mm2

From: Zoltan Boszormenyi
Date: Mon Jun 06 2005 - 15:27:52 EST


Zoltan Boszormenyi írta:
Zoltan Boszormenyi írta:

I will try some older kernels, too.

OK, I tried 2.6.12-rc5, -rc4, -rc3, -rc2, same problem.
Strangest thing is, after gpm starts, I can use the USB mice
on the console. When X starts, the mice die. DRI bug?
I will try even earlier kernels, too.

I haven't disappeared, between family and workday I compiled
and booted some earlier kernels. Final result: kernels down to
2.6.11-bk7 do not work, 2.6.11-bk6 and -bk5 work.
All the -bk7+ kernels I tried produced the same strange bug
on my system: after gpm started I was able to move the
pointer on the screen but when X started up, it's pointer froze.

Please, forget what I said about -mmX kernels, I remember
that I updated the multiconsole patch to certain kernel versions
and I tested them for clean compilation but I may not have
actually booted them.

Another difference between 2.6.11-bk5/6 and -bk7+:
Kudzu complains about a missing PS/2 keyboard and indeed,
the kernel does not recognize the keyboard on the AUX port
on -bk5/6, -bk7 and later recognize it again.

Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi
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