Re: [OT] mailing list management

From: Michelle Konzack
Date: Thu Jun 02 2005 - 16:48:50 EST

Am 2005-06-01 12:31:50, schrieb Lukasz Stelmach:
> Jan-Benedict Glaw napisa?(a):

> > Please just configure your email client
> > correctly.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> That is?
> Well I might use "Reply to all" but then for example you would receive
> two copies of this email. One in your private inbox and the other in the
> list's box. Is this correct?

No, because I know this stupid people sending me every day tonns of
unrequested CCs which make relpying harder and I have a procmailfilter
which do:

__( '/home/michelle.konzack/.procmailrc' )____________________________
| PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:
| INCLUDERC=$HOME/.procmail/FLT_cced

which is:

__( '/home/michelle.konzack/.procmail/FLT_cced' )________
| :0
| * ^Envelope-to:.*(linux4michelle|sun4michelle)
| {
| :0
| * ^TO_.*(linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|<snip>)
| :0
| * ^TO_.*(
| }

| INCLUDERC=$HOME/.procmail/ML_linux

where I have:

__( '/home/michelle.konzack/.procmail/ML_linux' )________
| :0
| * ^X-Mailing-List:.*(linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|<snip>)
| {
| :0
| * ^X-Mailing-List:.*(linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
| .ML_linux.linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
| }

| :0
| * ^To:.*(linux4michelle|<snip>)
| {
| :0
| * ^From:.*(web-tools@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
| * ^To:.*(linux4michelle)
| .Linux.Astronomie_NASA/
| :0
| * ^To:.*(linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxx)
| .Linux/
| }


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886
50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (

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