Re: Raouf From Tunisia

From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 06:32:55 EST

On Mon, 9 May 2005, aguel.raouf wrote:


I must modify my distro to not test the status of root
directory (whether it is (is not) writable). For example,
Slackware is testing the status of the root partition during
boot and if it's read-write,it will display a message and will
wait for user input. This is something we don't like, right?
Unionfs can't be remounted ro, to skip the test. i will need
to do something for my distro.
I want to know what i can do, how i can patch my distro

thanks have a good day

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Not a kernel question. File /etc/rc.sysinit is the init script
that is executed during startup.

Dick Johnson
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