Re: forkbombing Linux distributions

From: Jacek Luczak
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 05:26:07 EST

Natanael Copa napisał(a):
> On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 12:11 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
>>Didn't you ever look up what a ulimit is?
> ofcourse i did. I just think that ulimit (or other userspace tools)
> should be used to *raise* the limit if you need more. Not the reverse.
>>If you consider your distro's default ulimits unreasonable, file a bug
>>report with them. But no one is going to make Linux "restrictive by
>>default" to make life easier for people who don't bother to RTFM.
> I already suggested ulimit solutions for my distro. They think that if
> this is needed the kernel dev's would do something (ie its a kernel
> problem) while the kernel dev's says this is a userspace prob.
> I wouldn't bother if this was a problem for one or two distros only.
> Now, almost all distros seems to be vulnerable by default.
> I wouldn't bother if other *nixes would set this limit in userspace.
> (the BSD's set the limit lower in kernel and let users who need more
> raise with userland tools)
> I wouldn't bother if this wouldn't give Linux a bad reputation.
> I'm Sorry if I made some people upset.
> --
> Natanael Copa
You have absolutely right!!! Even if 'good' ulimit is set there isn't
anything bad in adding ulimit-like mechanism into kernel.

Long live ... hmm... kernel, not ulimit:)

Best regards,

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