Re: vm_dirty_ratio seems a bit large.
From: Peter Chubb
Date: Thu Mar 17 2005 - 17:35:51 EST
>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Morton <akpm@xxxxxxxx> writes:
Andrew> Robin Holt <holt@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> One other issue we have is the vm_dirty_ratio and background_ratio
>> adjustments are a little coarse with these memory sizes. Since our
>> minimum adjustment is 1%, we are adjusting by 40GB on the largest
>> configuration from above. The hardware we are shipping today is
>> capable of going to far greater amounts of memory, but we don't
>> have customers demanding that yet. I would like to plan ahead for
>> that and change vm_dirty_ratio from a straight percent into a
>> millipercent (thousandth of a percent). Would that type of change
>> be acceptable?
Andrew> Oh drat. I think such a change would require a new set of
Andrew> /proc entries.
No, you could just extend them to understand fixed point. Keep
printing integers as integers, print non-integers with one (or two:
will we ever need 0.01% increments?) decimal places.
Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT
The technical we do immediately, the political takes *forever*
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