Re: RFD: Kernel release numbering
From: Jeff Garzik
Date: Thu Mar 03 2005 - 16:32:12 EST
As a further elaboration...
The problem with the current 2.6-rc setup is a _human_ _communications_
Users have been trained in a metaphor that is applied uniformly across
all software projects that use the metaphor:
test release: a useful merge/testing point
release candidate: bugfixes only, test test test
Linux does it differently.
It's hard enough to get users to test... now we have raised the
barrier even higher by abusing a common metaphor. A metaphor that is
used _succesfully_ elsewhere to get users to test.
"release candidate" is a promise to users that the current tree is close
to what the release will look like, and only major fixes will appear
between -rc and -final.
We broke that promise. In human interface terms, this is like
redefining the "garbage can" icon to mean "save your work." ;-)
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