Re: ide-scsi is deprecated for cd burning! Use ide-cd andgive dev=/dev/hdX as device
From: Sergio Monteiro Basto
Date: Sat Feb 19 2005 - 12:58:28 EST
Well , In other computer with one fresh Core 3 installation, try set a
prodvd.key on xcdroast, Fedora Core 3, doesn't had set hdc=ide-scsi , so
I think that the recorder of dvds has worked in mode hdc=ide-cd, and
stopped to function and to read any type of cd or dvd.
So is it possible that ide-cd had, damage my dvdrecorder ?
Well dvdrecorder doesn't had work very well all the time, even in
Windows, and stops after one firmware upgrade but I hadn't much luck.
Happily it is in the warranty.
On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 02:27 +0000, Sergio Monteiro Basto wrote:
with hdc=scsi haldeamon doesn't recognize cdwriter.
but with hdc=ide-scsi (was the original from kernel 2.4) haldaamon
reconize my cdwriter !
So this message of this subject just make me wast my time and lose my
patience. ( because I forgot to enable haldaemon before to try
understand the message )
Still don't understand if I should or not change to ide-cd on my FC3, if
not please remove the message, if yes rewrite it please .
thanks for your precious time.
On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 20:36 +0000, Sergio Monteiro Basto wrote:
> Well the problem for the common users is the haldeamon doesn't recognize
> automatically /dev/scd0 and /etc/fstab don't have any entry about it.
> So with hdc=scsi, how I read cds on hdc ?
> thanks,
> Note: I am using last updates of FC3, after upgrade from FC1.
> On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 17:02 +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > On Maw, 2005-02-15 at 02:25, Randy.Dunlap wrote:
> > > It means: don't use the ide-scsi driver. Support for it is
> > > lagging (not well-maintained) because it's really not needed for
> > > burning CDs. Just use the ide-cd driver (module) and
> > > specify the CD burner device as /dev/hdX.
> >
> > This information is unfortunately *WRONG*. The base 2.6 ide-cd driver is
> > vastly inferior to ide-scsi. The ide-scsi layer knows about proper error
> > reporting, end of media and other things that ide-cd does not.
> >
> > The -ac ide-cd knows some of the stuff that ide-cd needs to and works
> > with various drive/disk combinations the base code doesn't but ide-scsi
> > still handles CD's better.
> >
> > Alan
> >
Sérgio M.B.
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