Please contact bug submitter for more info, not myself.Hi!
Summary: OpenOffice crashes while starting due to a threading
Kernel Version: 2.6.11-rc2
Status: NEW
Severity: blocking
Owner: process_other@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Submitter: diego@xxxxxxxxx
Distribution: Debian
Hardware Environment: Pentum III 733 MHz
Software Environment: Debian Sid
Problem Description:
While starting open Office crashes, it did not happend on 2.6.10, but happend on
2.6.11. rc1 and rc2. The only thing that has changed is the kernel. If i go back
to 2.6.10 OpenOffice starts just fine.
gdb shows that it crashes during this call:
thread_get_info_callback: cannot get thread info: generic error
the logs kern.log and messages don't show anything related to this crash.
Steps to reproduce:
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