Re: [fuse-devel] Merging?

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 09:54:16 EST


> > -You could implement several "not-performance-critical" filesystems (fat,
> > isofs) with FUSE to avoid possible security issues. Give that nowadays
> > usb sticks and cd/dvds are so common it'd be possible to modify a filesystem
> > on purpose to crash the kernel if a bug were found in those filesytems. With
> > FUSE that posibility decreases.
> One of my pet ideas, is a userspace loopback mounter, which would use
> UML to actually mount an image, and export the resulting filesystem
> through FUSE to the host.
> Brilliant isn't it?

Uh, yes, it actually makes sense.

OTOH perhaps porting linux's vfs to userland would be better idea.
People would like to tap on .iso images in mc to open them, but running
full UML to do this is little heavy-weight solution.
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