Re: [PATCH] [request for inclusion] Realtime LSM
From: Paul Davis
Date: Wed Jan 12 2005 - 20:38:44 EST
>What I find offensive is you repeatedly telling me I'm naive, when
>I've actually written a proper RT kernel AND run a music production
But you are being naive Matt! Nobody claims that OSX is hard-RT, or
even that OS9 is hard-RT, but people are able to Get Work Done on
those systems without jumping through hoops or arguing with kernel
developers. This happens because (a) the OS is enough-RT and (b) the
developers in question accepted the requirements of DAW and sequencer
users as totally legitimate.
As I stated before, we already *have* Linux kernels whose performance
in the RT area is at least as good as OSX (thanks to Andrew and Ingo,
primarily), but users cannot access these facilities without doing a
song and dance and a download or two. This is the issue that requires
fixing, from our perspective.
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