[ANNOUNCE] linux-libc-headers

From: Mariusz Mazur
Date: Sat Jan 08 2005 - 10:15:16 EST

Available at http://ep09.pld-linux.org/~mmazur/linux-libc-headers/
- updated to 2.6.10
- switched to using svn and now ChangeLog is back :)
- some minor changes here and there (made some headers ansi C compatible)

Two weeks after 2.6.10, but you can blame Linus for releasing 2.6.10 just
before Christmas.

Like I've said two months ago - my scripts for testing new versions now do
separate asm-i386-ansi and asm-i386-noansi checks, so any ansi degradation in
linux or asm-i386 (like the one from 2.6.9) won't go unnoticed.

One more thing - llh is now officially one year old (first commits are from
December 2003). That's a long time for any hack to live. Especially a hack
this big and one that even has a couple of vendor specific variants. A couple
of discussions took place concerning this matter (in the last one Linus even
said, that he'll be accepting patches) and still I see no movement. I'd
really like to see glibc guys figuring out a way not to duplicate definitions
and structures from linux and starting to submit patches. That'd be a really
good (and much needed - glibc's and linux' headers conflict in lots of ugly
ways) first step.

Happy New Year.

In the year eighty five ten
God is gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say,
"I'm pleased where man has been"
Or tear it down, and start again
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