Re: Understanding how kernel functions works and adding new one

From: Pedro Venda
Date: Sat Dec 25 2004 - 15:06:08 EST

Jim Nelson wrote:

Lastly, I've noticed you've been asking some questions over the past
few days which are easily answered by a simple Google search - may I
suggest that as a first point of call in future. You'd probably learn
a lot more by searching for stuff yourself.

I'll second that. Google is probably the closest thing to Microsoft's Knowlege Base that Linux has for quick questions ;) .

There are a number of good books written on the kernel - Linux Device Drivers is due to have its third edition released in February. I'm glad - my second edition copy is starting to look a little ragged from constant reference.

I must mention Robert Love's Linux Kernel Programming. I'm half-way through it, and I can say it is excelent!

regards & merry xmas,
pedro venda.
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