Re: bind() udp behavior

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Tue Dec 14 2004 - 11:46:27 EST

>sorry "closed" was the wrong term here. We are using a PIX Firewall
>Module and it keeps a state table of all connections (tcp and udp).
>Thus when a new udp connection comes in with same high numbered source

UDP does not know connections. As such, _nobody_ can tell whether an UDP
packet belongs to a logically existing "connection" or not.

>port and the firewall has not removed that connection from its state
>table, the firewall drops the packet. The firewall needs about 60ms in
>order to clear that connection from the state table, so if a second udp
>request with the same high number port/ip comes thru before the firewall
>clears the connection from the state table, it will drop the connection
>(which is what we are seeing).
>FreeBSD seems to increment future udp requests which prevents this
>problem. It just seems strange that the kernel would not randomize or
>increment these source ports for udp requests.

The kernel does not have problems with UDP, it's probably your firewall.

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