ACPI and APIC on nforce2 with 2.4 kernel - is there hope?

From: bugzilla
Date: Fri Dec 10 2004 - 06:34:33 EST

Is there any hope of seeing the acpi_skip_timer_override patch in the 2.4
branch? It has been in the 2.6 branch since around 2.6.5-rcfoo. This patch
addresses a problem specific to nforce2 motherboards that results in an XT-PIC
timer on ACPI and APIC enabled 2.4.x kernels.

I really don't know how much of a Bad Thing (TM) this is but my anxieties are
due to: 1) The fact that I see clock gain of about one minute per week; 2) The
fact that nforce2 has suffered from notorious instability and I just want to
feel comfort that all known problems are going to get ironed out. I acknowledge
that this problem is: 1) a hardware problem; 2) fixed in the latest stable
branch (as of the 2.6.6 release).

If the answer to my question is no, I would appreciate guidance on: 1) whether
this issue could cause me problems (is it likely to result in clock gain; could
it cause general instability or other problems); 2) what people recommend as a
2.4.x kernel configuration for nforce2 motherboards (mine is Abit NF7-S Rev2)
in terms of ACPI, IOAPIC and LAPIC parameters.

To demonstrate, with an ACPI and APIC enabled 2.4.26 Debianised kernel, I see:

cat /proc/interrupts
0: 1180749 XT-PIC timer
1: 1834 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 4 IO-APIC-edge rtc
9: 0 IO-APIC-level acpi
12: 234451 IO-APIC-edge PS/2 Mouse
14: 20449 IO-APIC-edge ide0
15: 23 IO-APIC-edge ide1
19: 0 IO-APIC-level mgacore
20: 1192269 IO-APIC-level usb-ohci, eth0
21: 443 IO-APIC-level ehci_hcd, NVidia nForce2
22: 3 IO-APIC-level ohci1394, usb-ohci
NMI: 0
LOC: 1180732
ERR: 0
MIS: 0

N.B. I understand that the separate issue of the non-availability of IRQ2
because of the spurious reservation by cascade has now been patched, as of
2.4.27-pre2 (and 2.6.6).

See also

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