Re: [RFC PATCH] debugfs - yet another in-kernel file system

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Fri Dec 10 2004 - 03:01:46 EST

>> I have to admit that adding another filesystem that is very like procfs or
>> sysfs make some kind of redundancy.
>Why? The main issue is the discussion usually goes like this:
>Me: Hey, the /proc/driver/foo/foo_value really shouldn't be in proc.
>Developer: Ok, but it has a lot of really good debug stuff in it. Can
>I put it in sysfs?
>Me: No, sysfs is for one-value-per-file whenever possible. It needs to
>go somewhere else.
>Developer: Well, if you don't have anywhere else to put it, why are you
>even bringing this up at all. Go away and leave me alone.

So how about adding seqfiles (or multi-value-per-file things) to sysfs?

>As for "another filesystem", it's tiny due to using libfs, and it will
>compile away into nothing if not selected (so in the end, provides the
>ability to make the final kernel image smaller.)

Ah that's good news.

Jan Engelhardt
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