System V semaphore bug in kernel 2.6

From: Michael Kerrisk
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 11:02:03 EST

Hello Manfred, Alan,

I assume you are still the relevant people to know about
this nowadays...

Somewhere in the reworking of the System V semaphore code
(ipc/sem.c or nearby) in Linux 2.6, a bug appears to have
been introduced.

This bug means that in some cases, a process that
is blocked waiting for a semaphore's value to become
zero is not woken up, even when that semaphore's value
does become zero (perhaps the problem is more general,
but this is the example that I've observed).

I have not spotted where the problem is in the code, but
have attached a program that demonstrates the error.
This program does the following:

-- Creates a semaphore set containing two members, and
initialises them to 1 and 0 using SETALL.

-- Creates a series of children that perform the
following operations:

operation on
sem 0 sem 1

Child 1 -1 -1 (blocks)
Child 2 wait-for-0 [none]
Child 3 [none] +1 (child 1 and 2 should now unblock)
Child 4 wait-for-0 [none]

What happens on Linux 2.6.9 is that the operation
performed by child 3 does NOT unblock child 1. Furthermore,
child 4's operation, which is just the same as child 2's,
proceeds without blocking, while child 2 remains blocked.

On Linux 2.6.9 (2.6.1 gave the same results), my program
shows the following:

$ ./sem_2.6_bug_demo
Thu Dec 9 16:52:02 CET 2004
Linux tekapo 2.6.9 #3 SMP Tue Oct 19 10:19:40 CEST 2004 i686 i686 i386
semid = 0
Semaphore values changed (PID=8462)
8466: Child 1 about to semop
8467: Child 2 about to semop
8468: Child 3 about to semop
8468: Child 3 semop COMPLETED
8466: Child 1 semop COMPLETED
0 0 8466 0 1
1 0 8466 0 0
8469: Child 4 about to semop
8469: Child 4 semop COMPLETED
Waited on PID 8466 successfully
Waited on PID 8468 successfully
Waited on PID 8469 successfully

Note the absence of any message saying that child 2 completed,
and that only 3 children were waited on.

On Linux 2.4.24, I see the following:

$ ./sem_2.6_bug_demo
Thu Dec 9 17:05:00 CET 2004
Linux tekapo 2.4.28 #2 SMP Wed Dec 1 07:02:01 CET 2004 i686 i686 i386
semid = 65538
Semaphore values changed (PID=2288)
2292: Child 1 about to semop
2293: Child 2 about to semop
2294: Child 3 about to semop
2292: Child 1 semop COMPLETED
2294: Child 3 semop COMPLETED
2293: Child 2 semop COMPLETED
0 0 2293 0 0
1 0 2292 0 0
2295: Child 4 about to semop
2295: Child 4 semop COMPLETED
Waited on PID 2295 successfully
Waited on PID 2294 successfully
Waited on PID 2293 successfully
Waited on PID 2292 successfully



/* sem_2.6_bug_demo.c

Michael Kerrisk, Dec 2004
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define errExit(msg) { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }

union semun { /* Used in calls to semctl() */
int val;
struct semid_ds * buf;
unsigned short * array;
#if defined(__linux__)
struct seminfo * __buf;

#define NOOP -999999

/* Create a child process that performs an operation on the
semaphores in the set referred to by 'semid', which must
contain exactly two semaphores.

'cnum' is just a number used in messages printed by the

'op0' specifies the sem_op value for semaphore 0 in the set;
'op1' specifies the sem_op value for semaphore 1 in the set.
If 'op0' or 'op1' is NOOP then no operation is performed on
the corresponding semaphore. */

static void
child(int cnum, int semid, int op0, int op1)
struct sembuf sops[2];
pid_t pid;
int nsops;

pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) errExit("fork1");

if (pid == 0) {
nsops = 0;

if (op0 != NOOP) {
sops[nsops].sem_num = 0;
sops[nsops].sem_flg = 0;
sops[nsops].sem_op = op0;
nsops ++;

if (op1 != NOOP) {
sops[nsops].sem_num = 1;
sops[nsops].sem_flg = 0;
sops[nsops].sem_op = op1;
nsops ++;

printf("%ld: Child %d about to semop\n", (long) getpid(), cnum);
if (semop(semid, sops, nsops) == -1)
printf("%ld: Child %d semop COMPLETED\n", (long) getpid(), cnum);

} /* if */

/* Parent returns */
} /* child */

main(int argc, char *argv[])
union semun arg, dummy;
int semid;
pid_t pid;
int j;

system("date; uname -a");

setbuf(stdout, NULL);

semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 2,
if (semid == -1) errExit("semget");

printf("semid = %d\n", semid);

/* Initialise set */

arg.array = calloc(2, sizeof(arg.array[0]));
if (arg.array == NULL) errExit("calloc");

arg.array[0] = 1;
arg.array[1] = 0;

/* State of semaphores is now { 1, 0 } */

if (semctl(semid, 0, SETALL, arg) == -1) errExit("semctl-SETALL");
printf("Semaphore values changed (PID=%ld)\n", (long) getpid());

child(1, semid, -1, -1); /* Decrease both sems */
child(2, semid, 0, NOOP); /* Wait for sem 0 to equal 0 */
child(3, semid, NOOP, 1); /* Increase sem 1 */

/* This SHOULD allow child 1 and child 2 to complete,
but on Linux 2.6, child 2 is not woken up. */

/* State of semaphores is now { 0, 0 } */

/* Display current state of semaphores */

if (semctl(semid, 0, GETALL, arg) == -1) errExit("semctl-GETALL");
printf("Sem # Value SEMPID SEMNCNT SEMZCNT\n");
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
printf("%3d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n", j, arg.array[j],
semctl(semid, j, GETPID, dummy),
semctl(semid, j, GETNCNT, dummy),
semctl(semid, j, GETZCNT, dummy));

/* The following is exactly the same as child 2; on Linux 2.6
this child succeeds in waiting for semaphore 0 to be 0, even
while child 2 is blocked on the same operation. */

child(4, semid, 0, NOOP); /* Wait for sem 0 to equal 0 */

while ((pid = waitpid(0, NULL, WNOHANG)) > 0)
printf("Waited on PID %ld successfully\n", (long) pid);

} /* main */

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