Re: realtek r8169 + kernel 2.4.24 (openmosix)

From: Francois Romieu
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 08:56:46 EST

Nicholas Papadakos <panic@xxxxxxxx> :
> I must be doing something wrong cauz I still get the same error when I try
> to apply the patch.
> static inline void rtl8169_make_unusable_by_asic(struct RxDesc *desc)
> {
> - desc->addr = 0x0badbadbadbadbad;
-> this should be a tab

> desc->status &= ~cpu_to_le32(OWNbit | RsvdMask);
-> sic

> I saved the file from my windows machine (outlook 2003) to a samba share on
> the machine needed to be patched.
> I don't believe that has anything to do with it, right ?

The patch was fine when it left my MUA.

> When commenting the line out the module did compile but It still connection
> froze after a while like before.

It does not freezes after a few packets (say 64), right ?

Can you triple check that you ran the right module (compilation in the adequate
directory, modules_install, module stat and such) ?

> I tried to apply the patch in both kernel versions same result.
> Am I missing something ?

You can try the untested attached files (no warranty). A failure with the 2.4.28
version of the r8169 driver is something new. Can you send a description of the
computer + complete dmesg + lspci -vx + ifconfig before/after freeze +
/proc/interrupts contents before/after connection freeze ? Does the connection
recover if you ifconfig it down/up ? Same thing after rmmod/modprobe ?


Attachment: r8169-test.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data