Re: realtek r8169 + kernel 2.4.24 (openmosix)

From: Francois Romieu
Date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 19:34:41 EST

Nicholas Papadakos <panic@xxxxxxxx> :
> I am trying to use a realtek r8169 gigabit Ethernet levelone card as a link
> between two machines that are cluster using openmosix, However whenever I
> try to transfer large amounts of data after 5 secs the connections freezes.
> I found a similar older post with an attacked patch to try, I tried it but
> the problem remained. Any help ?
> I don't want to upgrade kernel to something else as I need openmosix to keep
> running.

I know it's fri^Wsatursday but it does not help if you do not specify which
patch you applied.

At a minimum, you want to upgrade the sources of the r8169 driver up to a
more recent 2.4.x: simply drop a drivers/net/r8169.c from the latest 2.4.x
into your 2.4.24 tree, rebuild and report the result (+ complete dmesg +
lspci -vx + lsmod for my collection please).

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