Re: [ #214016] GPL Violation of 'sveasoft' with GPL Linux Kernel/Busybox + code

From: novalis@xxxxxxx via RT
Date: Mon Nov 08 2004 - 19:15:37 EST

On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 12:27 -0500, Shawn Starr via RT wrote:
> I dont know if this has been brought up but, a company called sveasoft is
> blatently violating the GPL by not releasing any code

Under the GPL, nobody has to give any particular person copies of the
binaries. They are free to sell binaries for whatever price they like.

But if you distribute binaries, you must either include or offer source
code. Do they do this? What software do they include that FSF holds
copyright on? Where can I check this?

Do they include a copy of the GPL with the software?
-Dave Turner
GPL Compliance Engineer
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