Why my computer freeze completely with xawtv ?

From: Gregoire Favre
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 17:47:16 EST


I have spend lots of time to find why my computer keep crashing (hard).

I was having a PIII@450 (don't remember the MB), then a PIV@2200 with a
MSI Max2-BLR motherboard, and now I have an amd64@3000 on an MSI Neo

The gfx card with the PIII was a Matrox G400 and as it wasn't compatible
with the PIV I changed it for a Matrox G550.

I use DVB with VDR, but I can do the crash all the time without VDR, all
I have to do is to have xawtv running and having a process that write
fast enough data to an HD (I tested xfs, reiserfs, ext2 and ext3 with
same result). If I don't have xawtv running I can't make crashing my
system which is rock stable :-)

I have tried to put my palm on serial to see if I could grab anything
about the crash with appending
nmi_watchdog=1 console=ttyS0,57600 console=tty0
or with nmi_watchdog=2 but I don't receive anything.

The first problem appeared on my 2.2 kernels, and I have the same with
2.6.9 which I put under http://magma.epfl.ch/greg/linux/2.6.9-config

Please CC to me as I am not on this mailing list.
Grégoire Favre
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