Re: [PATCH]tar filesystem for 2.6.10-rc1-mm3(easily access tar file)

From: James Tabor
Date: Sun Nov 07 2004 - 02:16:48 EST

andyliu wrote:

let's think about the way we access the file which contained in a tar file
may we can untar the whole thing and we find the file we want to access
or we can use the t option with tar to list all the files in the tar
and then untar the only one file we want to access.

but with the help of the tarfs,we can mount a tar file to some dir and access
it easily and's like the tarfs in mc.

just mount -t tarfs tarfile.tar /dir/to/mnt -o loop
then access the files easily.

it was writen by Kazuto Miyoshi (kaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) Hirokazu
Takahashi (h-takaha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) for linux 2.4.0

and i make it work for linux 2.6.0. now a patch for linux 2.6.10-rc1-mm3

the patch is to big to send it as plain text, so i can only send it as
an attachment


Wow! How cool is this! Can you copy files into a tarfs subsystem? Just like
we do with iso's?

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