Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.9-mm1-V0.6.8

From: Mark_H_Johnson
Date: Tue Nov 02 2004 - 15:46:12 EST

>hm, this one is an extremely weird deadlock - the NMI watchdog detected
>a _user-space_ deadlock - i.e. the "cpu_burn" user-space code disabled
>interrupts for more than ~5 seconds? Sounds quite unlikely and the
>EFLAGS register also directly contradicts it, it has 0x200 set so
>interrupts are enabled!

Very unlikely - cpu_burn.c (all of it...)

int main() {
while (1) { }
return 1;

No - it did not disable interrupts.

>The only other way for the NMI watchdog to
>trigger is if for whatever reason the local APIC timer interrupts are
>not getting through and the NMI ticks (which come via a different
>interrupt pin) get through.

The other symptoms I was seeing appeared to be timer related
- never returned from "sleep 1s" in the shell script
- "ps -fe" worked fine, but "top" did not
You may be on to something here.


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