Re: Swap strangeness: total VIRT ~23mb for all processes, swap 91156kused - impossible?

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Thu Oct 28 2004 - 06:37:06 EST

>I think VIRT is a total virtual space taken by process, part of
>which may be swapped. VIRT can't be reduced by swapping out -
>correct me if I'm wrong.

I always went by:

$ ps aufwwx | grep mingetty
#user pid %cpu %mem vsz rsz
root 2490 0.0 0.2 1548 552 tty1 Ss+ Oct25 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1
$ swapoff -a ## for fun
$ ps aufwwx | grep mingetty
root 2490 0.0 0.2 1548 632 tty1 Ss+ Oct25 0:00 /sbin/mingetty tty1

So to say, VIRT = RES + SHR + SWAPPED OUT, probably.

>But I believe even if I'm wrong on that, I simply do not have
>90 mbytes to be swapped out here!

Have <= 128 MB RAM? Have a heavy busy system (even with >= 128)?

># ldd supervise
> not a dynamic executable
># ls -l supervise
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9668 Oct 19 06:48 supervise

Ph... you're missing upx -9 on supervise ;)

>I think I will lose "it's impossible" argument,
>because all processes will be more than 1 mbyte in VIRT.

Remember that glibc might be shared amongst processes, so *each* process will
have the 1 mb listed, though swap might stay at 0 if there is nothing else
which causes swapping.

Jan Engelhardt
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