Re: Linux v2.6.9 and GPL Buyout

From: Jeff V. Merkey
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 18:46:46 EST

Jon Masters wrote:


Could you please digitally sign this mail that you are planning to
send or otherwise provide notorisation that confirms you definately
mean this?

I'd love for you to accept liability for this so we can pass all SCO
enquiries on to you.


Yes. I can do even better.

I met with Darl McBride this afternoon regarding the GrokSmear postings (First time I've ever met him) at SCO's
request -- they invited me over and were trying to put out some sort of release to correct GrokSmear's attacks.
He gave me the first list, and I am waiting on the second with all the details. I don't think he likes Linux much but he said he
supported disclosing the whole thing and he said he wanted "his stuff" out of the Linux tree. I am waiting on Chris Sonntag
and Blake to get me the "approved" listing. I will have it probably Monday. I'll post it then. Darl gave me the prelimiary
listing but we need to post the final. I'll upload the listing to
and everyone can look it over. This would be good since it will give folks the ability to
challenge/correct/remove/modify whatever and get SCO off Linux's back.

Darl seemed like a nice enough sort, but he doesn't care much for Linux or IBM and he's pretty harsh
on IBM. We argued for 30 minutes about SMP support in Linux and I think he will just let this one go since
I pointed out that Novell had disclosed the Unixware SMP stuff at Brainshare and he cannot claim
it as trade secrete any longer. He would not budge on RCU, NUMA, JFS, or XFS however, and he
also said any IBM employee who contributed SMP code in his opinion may have misappropriated it
and he would claim any contribution from any IBM employee in Linux.

I will post to the complete listing.


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