Re: Linux v2.6.9 and GPL Buyout

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 03:51:24 EST

[ shortened CC: because it is not that inreseting ]

On Tue, 2004-10-19 at 14:09 -0600, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> No. They seem to have some factual concrete evidence IP covered under
> Employee
> agreements was used and subsequently converted into Linux, and they are
> very
> confident of this. From a cursory viewpoint, it looks valid. I think

They did not and do not show in court anything (and didn't showed
anything that passed the simple checks in other places) though they were
askes several times by the judge.
So AFAICT and IMHO (and IANAL) there is no reason to believe they have
anything (except false accusations, rumors, FUD, creative selection of
truth, and lies).
So even from cursory viewpoint one should primarily see the pure facts
and afterwards (with separate quality) believe in words.

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