Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.9-rc4-mm1-U8

From: john cooper
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 13:30:41 EST

Scott Wood wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 12:49:30PM -0400, john cooper wrote:

It would seem a mutex ownership list still needs to be maintained.
Doing so in unordered priority will give a small fixed insertion
time, but will require an exhaustive search in order to calculate
maximum priority. Doing so in priority order will require an
average of #mutex_owned / 2 for the insertion, and gives a fixed
time for maximum priority calculation. The latter appears to offer
a performance benefit to the degree the incoming priorities are

If you keep it in priority order, then you're paying the O(n) cost
every time you acquire a lock. If you keep it unordered and only
search it when you need to recalculate a task's priority after a lock
has been released (or priorities have been changed), you pay the cost
much less often.

That's true for the case where the current priority is
somewhere else handy (likely) and we don't need to traverse
the list for other reasons such as allowing/disallowing
recursive acquisition of a mutex by a given task.

Plus, the number of locks held by any given thread
should generally be very small.

I agree, it is likely in the noise. The list length and
manipulation of the mutex waiter list overshadows this.



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