Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.9-rc4-mm1-U8

From: john cooper
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 10:07:43 EST

Esben Nielsen wrote:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, john cooper wrote:

Mutexes layered on existing semaphores seems convenient
at the moment. However a more native mutex mechanism
which tracks ownership would provide a basis for PI as
well as further instrumentation. This may not be an
issue at the present but I don't think it is too far


Actually you need to have another kind of semaphore based on a new kind of
wait-queue: Priority based. I.e. the task with the highest priority get
woken up first. Then on top of that you build your mutex.

That more/less falls out of the PI mechanism. Though it
appears conserving per-mutex data footprint and O(1)
behavior are going to be at odds.

I was planning to start to look at it and try to see if I could get
anything to work, but I must admit I haven't got much further than
just getting Igno's -U8.1 up running.

I myself wonder whether Ingo is 1 or N people.

To get a mutex with priority inheritance add an element pointing to the
current owner and a field where you store the owners original priority
which it has to be set back to when it relases the mutex (I am not sure
how this will work out if someone holds several mutexes!)

A task holding several mutexes shouldn't be an issue.
Though per task an ownership list needs to be maintained
in descending priority order such that the effective PI
can be resolved from all task owned mutexes.

Also a multiple ownership model is needed for the case of
shared-reader locks. This results in a list of owners
where the list element can maintain per-mutex task ownership
as well as per-task mutex ownerships.

It is tempting to re-implement the wheel here but existing
works are well on their way:



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