Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -RT-2.6.9-rc4-mm1-U8

From: Mark_H_Johnson
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 08:27:59 EST

With a workaround patch for the boot time BUG, I was able to get ...
- to single user mode w/o any errors
- a [NOW] non fatal error getting the network up (telinit 3)
- no further errors getting the X server up (telinit 5)
- able to hear sample audio
- system stayed up all night (daemons were stable...)
This is the first time in about two weeks that I had a reasonably stable
system (last known good is -T3).

I was about to run my normal stress tests when the system locked up.

The symptom was the display stopped updating / no mouse motion. Apparently
caused while I was dragging a window with the mouse (USB). We may still
have problems in that area. No apparent response to Alt-Sysrq keys;
hardware reset was sufficient to reboot.

Will check the system logs to see what I can find.

--Mark H Johnson

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