Am I paranoid or is everyone out to break my kernel builds (Breakage in drivers/pcmcia)

From: Russell King
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 04:25:55 EST

It would appear that this change:

-module_param_array(irq_list, int, irq_list_count, 0444);
+module_param_array(irq_list, int, &irq_list_count, 0444);


static int irq_list[16];
static int irq_list_count;

breaks PCMCIA drivers. Why?

#define module_param_array(name, type, num, perm) \
module_param_array_named(name, name, type, num, perm)

#define module_param_array_named(name, array, type, num, perm) \
static struct kparam_array __param_arr_##name \
= { ARRAY_SIZE(array), &num, param_set_##type, param_get_##type,\
sizeof(array[0]), array }; \
module_param_call(name, param_array_set, param_array_get, \
&__param_arr_##name, perm)

Take special note of the '&' before 'num' in the above initialiser, and
check the structure:

struct kparam_array
unsigned int max;
unsigned int *num;
param_set_fn set;
param_get_fn get;
unsigned int elemsize;
void *elem;

Therefore, module_param_array() does _NOT_ take a pointer to an integer.
Rusty - please fix.

Russell King
Linux kernel 2.6 ARM Linux -
maintainer of: 2.6 PCMCIA -
2.6 Serial core
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