Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Generic VESA framebuffer driver and Videocard BOOT?

From: Richard Smith
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 19:21:02 EST

Jon Smirl wrote:

LinuxBIOS can do things the real kernel probably shouldn't be doing.
For example on an x86 it can find the expansion ROMs and post all of
> the video cards. On non-x86 it can embed emu86 and run the ROMs that
> way. And for a few cards that we have the docs on it can directly
> initialize them. These options should be selected when LinuxBIOS is
> built for the hardware.

Well we see it the other way around. We want to do a little as possible and let Linux handle as much as possible. Otherwise your bios turns into a mini-OS. The path is littered with dead projects that went that route. Keeping current with driver support kills them.

But getting Int10 video up and running does not mean that the kernel
framebuffer/DRM subsystem has to be up and running. Int10 or Open


it, then it is the hardware manufacturer responsibility to acquire
enough documentation from the graphics vendor so that a boot display
can be implemented.

If only it were that easy. *grin*

Ok well I really don't want to start a off-topic argument here so I'll shut up after this. Especially since I'm not really argueing anything that hasn't already be thrashed over many times.

I and many others would like to see a unified int10 solution that could be used by as many projects that need it rather than the fragmented setup we have now. The kernel proper may or may not be one of those.

Richard A. Smith

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