vfat bug

From: Michael Scondo
Date: Thu Sep 16 2004 - 17:21:20 EST

I've just compiled a new kernel ( ), and now I'm not able to mount my
fat32 partitions anymore.

mount /dev/hda7 /mnt
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda7,
or too many mounted file systems

Every works still fine with 2.6.4, but I'm not sure, whether this occurs due
to a bug in the kernel or because a wrong build process.
Therefore I'm posting this to the list.

I've just googled about this problem and a few other people seem to have
problems with fat32, too, but I'm not sure what this means to me.
So could someone tell me please, whether this problem is reproducable or
already known or if it occurs only at my system ?

Thanks, Micha
( Please CC me, I'm not on the list )

The system on which the kernel runs is Debian Sid:

Linux betageuze.stars #2 Thu Sep 16 16:24:09 CEST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

Gnu C 3.3.3
Gnu make 3.79.1
util-linux 2.12
mount 2.12
module-init-tools 3.0-pre10
e2fsprogs 1.35
PPP 2.4.2
isdn4k-utils 3.3
nfs-utils 1.0.6
Linux C Library 2.3.2
Dynamic linker (ldd) 2.3.2
Procps 3.2.1
Net-tools 1.60
Console-tools 0.2.3
Sh-utils 5.0.91
Modules Loaded floppy snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss sr_mod scsi_mod lp
parport binfmt_misc nls_cp850 smbfs dummy ext2 vfat fat psmouse snd_sb_common
snd_es1688 snd_opl3_lib snd_hwdep snd_es1688_lib snd_pcm snd_page_alloc
snd_timer snd_mpu401_uart snd_rawmidi snd_seq_device snd soundcore tulip
8139too mii crc32 nfs nfsd exportfs lockd sunrpc usblp ide_cd cdrom slhc
uhci_hcd usbcore

CPU: Pentium 2, 400 Mhz

However, I've build the kernel at another system ( Debian Woody ):

Gnu C 2.95.4
Gnu make 3.79.1
util-linux 2.11n
mount 2.11n
module-init-tools implemented
e2fsprogs 1.25
nfs-utils 1.0
Linux C Library 2.2.4
Dynamic linker (ldd) 2.2.4
Net-tools 1.60
Console-tools 0.2.3
Sh-utils 2.0.11

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