Re: why do i get "Stale NFS file handle" for hours?

From: Sven Köhler
Date: Sun Sep 05 2004 - 08:24:14 EST

So, there are 3 possibilities:

1) You are exporting a non-supported filesystem, (e.g. FAT). See the
FAQ on

I'm exporting a reiserfs.

2) A bug in your initscripts is causing the table of exports to be
clobbered. Running "exportfs" in legacy 2.4 mode (without having the
nfsd filesystem mounted on /proc/fs/nfsd) appears to be broken for me at

So there should be a filesystem mounted to /proc/fs/nfsd? This isn't the case on my machine. Should the init-script do a simple "mount -t nfsd none /proc/fs/nfsd"? Than this would be a Bug of my distribution (Gentoo).

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