latency.c [was: Re: 2.6.9-rc1-mm1]

From: Rafael J. Wysocki
Date: Sat Sep 04 2004 - 18:11:45 EST

On Friday 27 of August 2004 23:54, Rick Lindsley wrote:
[- snip -]
> You can also pick up the program "latency.c" at
> With these two things in hand, you should be able to measure the latency
> on of a particular process.
> A patch is not necessary for 2.6.9-rc1-mm1 (schedstats is already in there)
> but you will need to config the kernel to use it. Then retrieve a slightly
> different latency.c:
> since 2.6.9-rc1-mm1 output format is different (as you noted, it's a
> different scheduler.) Then you should be able to see if the latency of
> a particular process (updatedb, for instance) changes.

I've fiddled a bit with both the latency.c programs. I've added some options
to them etc. In particular, now you can specify a program to run and monitor
instead of a pid, which is handy if you need to monitor processes that exit
quickly. Everything is documented in the sources (attached). I thought you
might find this useful. :-)


For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public
relations, for nature cannot be fooled.
-- Richard P. Feynman
* latency -- measure the scheduling latency of a particular process from
* the extra information provided in /proc/<pid>stat by version 4 of
* the schedstat patch. PLEASE NOTE: This program does NOT check to
* make sure that extra information is there; it assumes the last
* three fields in that line are the ones it's interested in. Using
* it on a kernel that does not have the schedstat patch compiled in
* will cause it to happily produce bizarre results.
* Note too that this is known to work only with versions 4 and 5
* of the schedstat patch, for similar reasons.
* This currently monitors only one pid at a time but could easily
* be modified to do more.
* Modified by Rafael J. Wysocki <rjw@xxxxxxx> on September 4, 2004
* Added options:
* -o -- allows one to specify a log file to store the results in
* -n -- turns on a numerical-only format (mutually exclusive with -v)
* -r -- allows one to specify a program to run and monitor for latencies instead of a pid
* The -r option is handy if you want to monitor a process that exits quickly (eg. gcc or tar etc.).
* The -o is necessary if -r is specified to separate the output of latency.c with the output of the
* monitored process
* The output generated with the -n option may be useful for creating graphs
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define STRLEN 256

char procbuf[512];
char statname[64];
char progpath[STRLEN];
char logpath[STRLEN];
char *Progname;
FILE *fp, *outp;

void usage()
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [{-v|-n} ][-s sleeptime ][-o logfile ]{-r program|<pid>}\n", Progname);

* execute() is used to spawn a new process that will be monitored for latencies
* The new process' command line is passed in *file

void execute(char *file)
char *ptr, **args;
int cnt = 1, j;

/* See how many arguments are to be passed */
for (ptr = file; *ptr; ptr++)
if (*ptr == ' ') cnt++;
args = (char **)malloc((cnt + 1) * sizeof(char *));
/* Extract the arguments */
args[0] = file;
ptr = file;
for (j = 1; j < cnt; j++) {
ptr = index(ptr, ' ');
*ptr++ = '\0';
args[j] = ptr;
args[j] = NULL;
/* Run the program */
execvp(args[0], args);

* get_stats() -- we presume that we are interested in the last three
* fields of the line we are handed, and further, that they contain
* only numbers and single spaces.
void get_stats(char *buf, char *id, unsigned int *run_ticks,
unsigned int *wait_ticks, unsigned int *nran)
char *ptr;

ptr = index(buf, ')') + 1;
*ptr = 0;
strcpy(id, buf);
*ptr = ' ';

ptr = rindex(buf,' ');
if (!ptr) return;

*nran = atoi(ptr--);

while (isdigit(*ptr) && --ptr != buf);
if (ptr == buf) return;

*wait_ticks = atoi(ptr--);

while (isdigit(*ptr) && --ptr != buf);
if (ptr == buf) return;

*run_ticks = atoi(ptr);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c;
unsigned int sleeptime = 5, pid = 0, verbose = 0, numeric = 0, runprog = 0, log = 0;
char id[32];
unsigned int run_ticks, wait_ticks, nran;
unsigned int orun_ticks=0, owait_ticks=0, oran=0;

Progname = argv[0];
id[0] = 0;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:vnr:o:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 's':
sleeptime = atoi(optarg);
case 'v':
case 'n':
case 'r':
strncpy(progpath, optarg, STRLEN - 1);
progpath[STRLEN - 1] = '\0';
case 'o':
strncpy(logpath, optarg, STRLEN - 1);
logpath[STRLEN - 1] = '\0';

if (verbose && numeric)

if (runprog) {
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
puts("fork() failed");
if (!pid)
else if (optind < argc) {
pid = atoi(argv[optind]);

if (!pid)

outp = NULL;
if (log)
outp = fopen(logpath, "w");
if (!outp) {
outp = stdout;
log = 0;
* now just spin collecting the stats
sprintf(statname,"/proc/%d/stat", pid);
while (fp = fopen(statname, "r")) {
if (runprog)
waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG);

if (!fgets(procbuf, sizeof(procbuf), fp))

get_stats(procbuf, id, &run_ticks, &wait_ticks, &nran);

if (verbose)
fprintf(outp, "%s %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %4.2f %4.2f\n",
id, run_ticks, run_ticks - orun_ticks,
wait_ticks, wait_ticks - owait_ticks,
nran, nran - oran,
nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
else if (numeric)
fprintf(outp, "%s %4.2f %4.2f\n",
id, nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
fprintf(outp, "%s avgrun=%4.2fms avgwait=%4.2fms\n",
id, nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
oran = nran;
orun_ticks = run_ticks;
owait_ticks = wait_ticks;

if (runprog)
waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG);

fp = fopen(statname,"r");
if (!fp)
if (log)
if (id[0])
printf("Process %s has exited.\n", id);
printf("Process %d does not exist.\n", pid);
* latency -- measure the scheduling latency of a particular process from
* the extra information provided in /proc/<pid>stat by version 4 of
* the schedstat patch. PLEASE NOTE: This program does NOT check to
* make sure that extra information is there; it assumes the last
* three fields in that line are the ones it's interested in. Using
* it on a kernel that does not have the schedstat patch compiled in
* will cause it to happily produce bizarre results.
* Note too that this is known to work only with versions 4 and 5
* of the schedstat patch, for similar reasons.
* This currently monitors only one pid at a time but could easily
* be modified to do more.
* Modified by Rafael J. Wysocki <rjw@xxxxxxx> on September 4, 2004
* Added options:
* -o -- allows one to specify a log file to store the results in
* -n -- turns on a numerical-only format (mutually exclusive with -v)
* -r -- allows one to specify a program to run and monitor for latencies instead of a pid
* The -r option is handy if you want to monitor a process that exits quickly (eg. gcc or tar etc.).
* The -o is necessary if -r is specified to separate the output of latency.c with the output of the
* monitored process
* The output generated with the -n option may be useful for creating graphs
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>

#define STRLEN 256

extern char *index(), *rindex();
char procbuf[512];
char statname[64];
char progpath[STRLEN];
char logpath[STRLEN];
char *Progname;
FILE *fp, *outp;

void usage()
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [{-v|-n} ][-s sleeptime ][-o logfile ]{-r program|<pid>}\n", Progname);

* execute() is used to spawn a new process that will be monitored for latencies
* The new process' command line is passed in *file

void execute(char *file)
char *ptr, **args;
int cnt = 1, j;

/* See how many arguments are to be passed */
for (ptr = file; *ptr; ptr++)
if (*ptr == ' ') cnt++;
args = (char **)malloc((cnt + 1) * sizeof(char *));
/* Extract the arguments */
args[0] = file;
ptr = file;
for (j = 1; j < cnt; j++) {
ptr = index(ptr, ' ');
*ptr++ = '\0';
args[j] = ptr;
args[j] = NULL;
/* Run the program */
execvp(args[0], args);

* get_stats() -- we presume that we are interested in the first three
* fields of the line we are handed, and further, that they contain
* only numbers and single spaces.
void get_stats(char *buf, unsigned int *run_ticks, unsigned int *wait_ticks,
unsigned int *nran)
char *ptr;

/* sanity */
if (!buf || !run_ticks || !wait_ticks || !nran)

/* leading blanks */
ptr = buf;
while (*ptr && isblank(*ptr))

/* first number -- run_ticks */
*run_ticks = atoi(ptr);
while (*ptr && isdigit(*ptr))
while (*ptr && isblank(*ptr))

/* second number -- wait_ticks */
*wait_ticks = atoi(ptr);
while (*ptr && isdigit(*ptr))
while (*ptr && isblank(*ptr))

/* last number -- nran */
*nran = atoi(ptr);

* get_id() -- extract the id field from that /proc/<pid>/stat file
void get_id(char *buf, char *id)

char *ptr;

/* sanity */
if (!buf || !id)

ptr = index(buf, ')') + 1;
*ptr = 0;
strcpy(id, buf);
*ptr = ' ';


main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c;
unsigned int sleeptime = 5, pid = 0, verbose = 0, numeric = 0, runprog = 0, log = 0;
char id[32];
unsigned int run_ticks, wait_ticks, nran;
unsigned int orun_ticks=0, owait_ticks=0, oran=0;

Progname = argv[0];
id[0] = 0;
while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"s:vnr:o:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 's':
sleeptime = atoi(optarg);
case 'v':
case 'n':
case 'r':
strncpy(progpath, optarg, STRLEN - 1);
progpath[STRLEN - 1] = '\0';
case 'o':
strncpy(logpath, optarg, STRLEN - 1);
logpath[STRLEN - 1] = '\0';

if (verbose && numeric)

if (runprog) {
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) {
puts("fork() failed");
if (!pid)
else if (optind < argc) {
pid = atoi(argv[optind]);

if (!pid)

outp = NULL;
if (log)
outp = fopen(logpath, "w");
if (!outp) {
outp = stdout;
log = 0;

sprintf(statname, "/proc/%d/stat", pid);
if (fp = fopen(statname, "r")) {
if (fgets(procbuf, sizeof(procbuf), fp))
get_id(procbuf, id);

* now just spin collecting the stats
sprintf(statname, "/proc/%d/schedstat", pid);
while (fp = fopen(statname, "r")) {
if (runprog)
waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG);

if (!fgets(procbuf, sizeof(procbuf), fp))

get_stats(procbuf, &run_ticks, &wait_ticks, &nran);

if (verbose)
fprintf(outp, "%s %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %4.2f %4.2f\n",
id, run_ticks, run_ticks - orun_ticks,
wait_ticks, wait_ticks - owait_ticks,
nran, nran - oran,
nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
else if (numeric)
fprintf(outp, "%s %4.2f %4.2f\n",
id, nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
fprintf(outp, "%s avgrun=%4.2fms avgwait=%4.2fms\n",
id, nran - oran ?
(double)(run_ticks-orun_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0,
nran - oran ?
(double)(wait_ticks-owait_ticks)/(nran - oran) : 0);
oran = nran;
orun_ticks = run_ticks;
owait_ticks = wait_ticks;

if (runprog)
waitpid(pid, NULL, WNOHANG);

fp = fopen(statname,"r");
if (!fp)
if (log)
if (id[0])
printf("Process %s has exited.\n", id);
printf("Process %d does not exist.\n", pid);