Re: Crashed Drive, libata wedges when trying to recover data

From: Greg Stark
Date: Fri Sep 03 2004 - 09:30:29 EST

Alan Cox <alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Gwe, 2004-09-03 at 05:52, Greg Stark wrote:
> > I get the same message and the same basic symptom -- any process touching the
> > bad disk goes into disk-wait for a long time. But whereas before as far as I
> > know they never came out, now they seem to come out of disk-wait after a good
> > long time. But then maybe I just never waited long enough with 2.6.6.
> This looks hopeful. You are now seeing the IDE layer error dump. Right
> now it doesn't decode the LBA block number although that data is
> available in the taskfile so I can knock up a test patch for you to try
> if you want.

Well I still have a problem. It seems once this occurs that *every* further
access generates the error. Even directories that I had previously been able
to list fail.

So while my machine isn't crippled once this happens, I still can't proceed
with the recovery.

And they seem to take 12 minutes to fail. I guess that indicates they were
either trying to do 24 blocks of readahead, or some combination of readahead
and retries from a higher layer.


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