Re: f_ops flag to speed up compatible ioctls in linux kernel

From: Ihar 'Philips' Filipau
Date: Wed Sep 01 2004 - 08:42:57 EST

Well. I given an example of device which doesn't fit into read()/write() interface.

Your imagination is truely appreciated - and you are encouraged to try to implement it. With full error handling (every write must be checked) and multithreading support (e.g. one user for movement, multiple for monitoring and diagnosis).

I have tryed to some extent impelementing something like this - amount of code doubled for no real gain. (It was in those times when "ioctl()s are bad. period." topic poped up on lkml first time. long time ago)

No one will ever design interface for sake of interface. what you are proposing - probably will look nice in academical papers, but no one will do it, and no one will do it in kernel space.

And all this stuff - all this funcy xml-like comlications? - for what? just call one function of driver with single parameter - void*.
_*Not more*_. Ridiculous indeed.

P.S. As I have said before, it seems to me that using read()/write() instead of ioctl() could be the only choice. I once hacked read(): user must pass two structures: first is input, second is output. It worked - but no one (including me) liked it. ioctl() even by its name fit better.

P.P.S. Hm. Why not implement ioctl2()? which will be linked directly to device by its driver? - numbering will be internal to driver, and provide entry point into driver for user space applications. No one likes mess with ioctl()s in Linux - no device driver developers, nor users. But what is really needed - is just call into driver. Paramenter - single pointer have being proved to be sufficient.

Helge Hafting wrote:

filia@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Arjan van de Ven writes:

On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 03:50:11AM -0600, filia@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi! Stop being arrogant.
Can you please elaborate on how to make Linux kernel support e.g. motion controllers? They do not fit *any* known to me driver interface. They have several axes, they have about twenty parameters (float or integer), and

parameters nicely fit in sysfs.

What about errors?
"set di 200000" might fail for lots of reasons.

they have several commands, a-la start, graceful stop, abrupt stop. Plus obviously diagnostics - about ten another commands with absolutely different parameters. And about ten motion monitoring commands. And this is one example I were need to program.

a write() interface doesn't work???
Hard to believe, you even call them commands.
fd = open("/dev/funkydevice");
write(fd, "start");
doesn't sound insane to me

it doesn't, since you didn't tryed to make error handling. every thing can fail - this is control of mechanics - and it fails often and for a lot of reasons. Put here error handling (write(struct whatever)

Well, how about a read-write interface?
Write a command to the driver, read back the response. If the response indicate
an error, read more to get error details. Keep reading out possibly several errors
until the driver have nothing more to report.

has to return another struct whatever2 filled with error description) and thread-safeness. Pluss some controllers do support multi-dimensional movements "start x,y,z,etc" - and you might have _several_ error structs. Atomicity is important for multi-dimensional moves too - move on given axes

The driver can handle atomicity - if it somehow receives a partial command it should
buffer it and wait for the rest. If you need several commands for a single movement,
consider barriers, i.e.:
write(fd, "barrier start");
write(fd, "one kind of movement");
write(fd, "other kind of movement");
write(fd, "third kind of movement");
write(fd, "barrier end"); /* Complex movement starts at this point */
read(fd, &error_buffer, size); /* Did this work? */

starts with single command.
I do not see much point in renaming ioctl() to write() all over the place - at least when people see ioctl() they understand that it is not standard functionality. write() will for sure confuse a lot of people.

Isn't motion "standard functionality" for this device? If so, a write interface fits
even if the stuff written to it might be special (structs and such)

Helge Hafting

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