Re: [PATCH] /dev/crypto for Linux

From: Michal Ludvig
Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 09:44:36 EST

Hash: SHA1

Jeff Garzik told me that:
>> What is it good for? One can build really light-weigth programs
>> with crypto support that don't need any external libraries (e.g.
>> OpenSSL) or built-in algorithms. Easier testing of new CryptoAPI
>> ciphers (later also hashes and maybe asymmetric ciphers as well).
>> Once, maybe, userspace access to crypto accelerators through kernel
>> drivers.
> Let's see...
> 1) This increases context switches over a solution that links with
> libcrypto and libssl.

Indeed. It is not ment to replace libcrypto - just a possibility if needed.

> 2) "build really lightweight programs with crypto support" implies
> that you think it's a benefit to use the kernel as your crypto lib.

Yes, I think it may come handy in some scenarios. The algorithm is there
in the kernel so why not use it from the userspace?

Also (a wild guess) similar interface could provide access to some
key-management done in the kernel.

> 3) Your proposal actually avoids existing, working hardware crypto
> support such as Broadcom's hwcrypto driver which is fully supported
> by openssh.

Why avoids? I don't force OpenSSH to use it and I agree that typically
the everything-in-the-userspace is better/faster. This is just an option
for situations where no other cryptolib is available.

On my todo list is adding a module option for selecting allowed
algorithms. Something like "allow=-ALL:+aes:+sha1".

> 4) "open it and use ioctls to transfer data" is typically a bad idea.
> ioctl(2) is a historical Unix mistake, to be avoided where possible.
> read(2)/write(2) are to be used to transfer data.

Well yes, my driver actually reuses the API from OpenBSD. I have no
problem in changing (or extending) it but for now I did it this way for
easier testing with the OpenSSL cryptodev engine. This can definitely

Michal Ludvig
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