Re: 2.6 kernel won't reboot on AMD system - 8042 problem?

From: David N. Welton
Date: Fri Aug 13 2004 - 05:17:38 EST

Vojtech Pavlik wrote:

All in all, 0x65 is what one would expect to be in the CTR register
after boot on a normal machine without a PS/2 mouse installed.

Sure, if you search google on the results from the 20 command, you see a lot of things like 0x64 0x64 0x75 0x74 and similar values.

0x9a doesn't make sense _AT_ALL_, though!


And there comes a thought ...

In i8042_command(), we do this:

if (!retval)
for (i = 0; i < ((command >> 8) & 0xf); i++) {
if ((retval = i8042_wait_read())) break;
if (i8042_read_status() & I8042_STR_AUXDATA)
param[i] = ~i8042_read_data();
param[i] = i8042_read_data();
dbg("%02x <- i8042 (return)", param[i]);

to distinguish whether a response came from the AUX interface instead of
the KBD or controller itself. We _negate_ the value if the AUXDATA bit is
set in he status register.

Oh, yep, there we go... that's what's switching it around.

So I think what happens is that the controller sets the AUXDATA bit for
some reason (or at least we read a status byte with the AUXDATA bit
set), which negates the value when we read the initial CTR.

Then when we write that nonsensical CTR back to the controller on
reboot, we're screwed, since the i8042 is the more important CPU in the
system and can do many nasty things to it. ;)

Now, the question is, where does that AUXDATA bit come from?

I noticed that the FreeBSD folks attempt to flush both kbd and aux:

I tried doing that like so:

while ((i8042_read_status() & (I8042_STR_OBF | I8042_STR_AUXDATA)) && (i++ < I8042_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
data = i8042_read_data();
dbg("%02x <- i8042 (flush, %s)", data,
i8042_read_status() & I8042_STR_AUXDATA ? "aux" : "kbd");

with different variations, and it seems as if it will go on reading forever if you let it. So it keeps reporting AUXDATA as being present... Hrm...

David N. Welton
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