Re: [PATCH] RSS ulimit enforcement for 2.6.8

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 07:48:13 EST

Rik van Riel wrote:
On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Bill Davidsen wrote:

Rik van Riel wrote:

The patch below implements RSS ulimit enforcement for 2.6.8-rc3-mm1.

Wish there was something like RSS for cache, so that one process reading every inode on the planet, or doing an md5 on an 11GB file wouldn't push every damn process out if it's waiting for me to finish typing a line...

I guess that's beyond the scope of a simple patch, you may
be interested in CKRM for something like that:

Interesting stuff.

For now I'm just interested in filling out the holes in
rlimit for the mainline kernel, as well as putting some
simple resource enforcement things in place.

I'm not about to add something complex at this stage ;)

I really wasn't asking that you should, just mumbling and hoping that some VM-savvy person would say "I can do that!" and offer an elegant solution. Given how little more cache helps for most loads on a machine with adequate memory, it seems silly to have almost all the programs on a 2GB machine pushed out to make room for pages read exactly once by a program copying a 4GB file.

bill davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
CTO TMR Associates, Inc
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