x86 - Realmode BIOS and Code calling module

From: Jakub Vana
Date: Thu Aug 12 2004 - 07:32:10 EST


I have written Linux Kernel module that allows you to call BIOS interupts, Far services or your own code. It's working on x86 machines with PAE or not PAE enabled(up to 4GB or up to 64GB). It's tested on 2.4.26 and 2.6.7 kernel on P4 machine. I think there is not problem to work on others. Now, I'm preparing DOCs and Demos.

I wrote the module especialy for changing the VESAFB videomode, but It is usable anywhere the BIOS is neaded.

I'm writing you to know this code exists and to ask you for help to add this code to official Kernel distribution.

Thank you

Jakub Vana

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